That's right. What more can I add to that? Last night at about midnight I emailed to my publisher an attachment of the sequel to
Passage to Zarahemla, entitled
Escape From Zarahemla. The whole experience was kind of surreal, especially so late at night. I was so wrapped in every word and phrase of this novel that I felt like my objectivity had flown the coup as to whether this doggone thing was any good.
Amazing what 24 hours will do. This is a darn good book, if I do say so myself. A roller-coaster ride. Some readers may find the ending more satisfying than any book since
The Golden Crown. Yup, plot elements actually
resolve. Not
all of it. But a lot. And the feeling is sorta cool. Dang, I like this book. It's a fun romp, not only in a unique Book of Mormon time period, but also utilizing time travel and space/time concepts that I hadn't explored before in quite the same way. It's fun. Or at least I
think it's fun. How long have I been doin' this? Twenty-two years? Nice thing about it is that I've never written a book where I ever felt I short-ended the reader. Every ounce of imagination that I can muster is always brought to bear. And I think readers appreciate the results. One lazy book can compromise decades of trust. I hope I never do that to fans, no matter the money or rewards.
My publisher is apparently looking at early October for its release. I'm sure I'll pre-sell autographed copies as soon as I learn the final price or get some kind of cover. Like I said in an earlier blog, the book is longer and much more involved than the original
Passage story. It's
better than the original, but way too expensive to make into a movie. The trained jaguars alone...Anyway, Kerra McConnell is such a rich character with many layers and edges. I don't want to spoil any surprises, but I'll confess that there are many, and that some surprises should offer fans a satisfying adrenaline rush.
In the meantime, help me out by buy off all these Amazon books that I've posted. Go to:
All orders will earn you Escape from Zarahemla chapters 3 and 4 (chapters 1 and 2 are already posted here). Just email me directly after you place an order and make the request. My special thanks to all who've done exactly that. Hey, until this book is published, Amazon feeds my family. And remember, you don't have to use Amazon. You can generally save money in shipping just by calling me directly at 801-495-0555 to place any order.
Thanks for your faith, your endurance, and your readership. I hope this goes down as another heart-pounding Heimerdinger adventure.
@Copyright June 2011, Chris Heimerdinger